Friday, 8 April 2016

How to make Still Life Drawing

We can recognize any object through the medium of shade and light. In this post, my principal objective is to recognize and study light and shade effects deeply. So, observe the composition of objects arranged on the basis of simple shapes. The objects which do not have light and shade look flat.

How To Draw-

Step-1- Draw outlines of objects lying in front of you with a sharp HB pencil. In step1, make it a point to draw lines lightly. We learn to draw various compositions correctly from the take-off stage in this process. Give light strokes with 4B pencil on every object.

Step-2- In the second step to establish main shadows in the objects, give light pressure with a 4B pencil to complete the drawing. In this phase wherever you wish to  establish dark shadows on the objects keep deepening the shadows by increasing the pressure of your hand on drawing paper. At the time of shading, you should move your pencil in one direction only.

Step-3- In the third step while completing the picture ,create dark tones by using pencils. To create light shades, use a 4B pencil and use a 6B pencil to create dark shades. To make the picture beautiful, use rubber to highlight it partly.

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